the different between a normal hip and a disclocted hip for hip dysplasia

Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip – DDH Information

Starting my blog was all based around wanting to raise awareness and share our journey with DDH. As I have shared our journey so far, I want to share some very crucial information about DDH, because before Amelia was diagnosed, I didn't know myself what DDH even was! Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) is … Continue reading Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip – DDH Information

Post Pin Removal

Here is the long awaited update about what happened after Amelias pin removal! You can read the full journey here. Well, since then - obviously it's been a fair while now, it feels like a distant memory if I'm honest! Amelia recovered well. The pin removal itself didn't phase Amelia at all, which was fantastic. She … Continue reading Post Pin Removal